Thursday, September 8, 2011

Strike that and reverse it....

One month later and worlds away from the last post! My hubby and I went to his last appointment with his counselor at the VA and with some guided thinking, we ARE moving to Texas (we have an 80% chance of it at least) and will be moving December 16th!! I can't believe it! I am very excited for the changes that will be coming up in our lives. The school, the physical therapy, the nutritionist, everything that seems to be Made for Steven. I am just so happy for it. Now the real work begins...finding a place to live without ever having been there before, good schools for the kids, things for me and the baby to do, good ward for church, apartment life with a pool vs renting a house with a yard. I have a lot to balance and decide and I need to do it fast because Steven gets to fly down there in 2 weeks to take a test and look around, not me. Wish us luck!!! Adventure here we come!