Thursday, June 30, 2011


This week I found myself jealous of my niece's new adventure so I kinda tried to push one on my hubby. Boy did that NOT go well. Never try to force change on PTSD...Oi. I found such an amazing school/career opportunity for him in Texas. We've looked at moving to Texas before and I jumped all over this idea without really checking to see if he was okay with even the Idea of moving anywhere. I just wanted something for him that I guess he doesn't really need. He's doing great here. He's working hard and, most of the time, has been getting good grades. You'd think that I'd learn. I've done this before and it fell flat then, why would the outcome be any different if the attempt is the same?

Monday, June 27, 2011


Ok so I am learning that I don't know all about PTSD or the effect that it has on me and on our family, yet. This weekend I have learned about Individual Unemployabilty, and a few ways that LEGALLY S's unit was not supposed to be able to discharge him AT ALL let alone without a medical board review! I am going to spend this week trying to gather all the info that I have and I'm going to call Senator Patty Murray and try to get her involved. Maybe having their Boss call will get the National Guard to do their job??? Who knows? I will most likely be posting it on here since I have to have some sort of outlet for my frustration besides making my poor hubby stress more or set of a PTSD reaction to the stupidity that is leaving him out to dry!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

today's rant

I am getting so frustrated trying to navigate post-war family life! S is so hurt that it has affected every part of our life. EVERY part. But, according to the Army, he's not injured. He's not injured enough for so many programs. Everywhere I look for help for us to survive the way that we live, I get told that we don't qualify because the Army already Honorable Discharged him. What do I do?? Where do I turn? We need more of an income then we are getting from the VA but S has been advised not to work because of pain and PTSD but, for the exact same reasons, I can't leave him home with the babies and go to work, myself. How are we supposed to survive? Why, when S went to serve our country and do what he's told to by men who don't believe him, why now is he left to fend for himself? What happened to taking care of veterans who aren't missing a limb? He can't live the life he wants to live. He can't get down and play with our babies, he can't go for a walk. It make me so sad to watch them try to get him to play and he's in so much pain that there is no way.
I want to help him and do everything but I am getting so worn out. I can't do everything, I know I can't but then I feel guilty for not getting things done. I have so many plans and I start projects, but nothing gets to get completed. It's a horrible feeling to look around and see that I haven't finished anything and the house shows it.
I just found another insurance that we paid in to for the Army that doesn't apply and so we will never get any benefits from it. Traumatic life insurance... HA! Since he can take himself to the bathroom and feed himself, he doesn't qualify for help.
Wives of wounded warriors, nope don't qualify for their help either because the National Guard idiots didn't want to do the paperwork to give him medical. They listened to some stupid idiot and didn't believe S that he was injured at all. They decide, on the word of others, that he is FAKING his injuries. And yet, the minute I get him home and to the VA, S is 80% disabled from injuries that occurred in Iraq, but NOOOO he's faking! It makes me so mad and I have no outlet! I have no where to turn to get us that help because he's NOT INJURED ENOUGH!
So most of my rants will be about this part of my life. Smatterings of parenthood, life, food, and random thoughts will also play a part but mostly it will be about the things that I find about PTSD, VA stuff, people that Actually help the common soldier, stuff like that.